Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Smog in LA

Everybody probably heard stories about smog in LA basin. I certainly did and I did not believe them. I do now. The smog is clearly visible even on a sunny, windy day. I don't really understand how the smog can stay in the basin, since quite strong winds move from sea to inland.
I'm also not sure where does it come from. They say that the small particle component of the smog comes from China (about 1/3 of it). The rest probably comes from cars (we have many of them and no smog in SD) and heavy industry (there is still some left?).
I'm sure it is not healthy to breath such polluted air, but it is nor really bothersome, so it is probably not as bad as it is in China.
Other than that, LA is not really interesting city (not much to see), but there are places ($5m and more) where you could live comfortably, if you really have to.

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